About Us

"SN Holding" LLC is one of the companies that has made its mark in the field of logistics since 2018. It ensures reliable transportation of any type of cargo by land, water or air under any conditions. We are at your service as "SN Holding" LLC to transport your cargo in a reliable, safe and healthy manner.

"SN Holding" LLC

Has extensive experience in providing logistics services and providing them at a high level. Our employees have the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills in building logistics chains to reduce time, labor and financial costs as much as possible.

Fast delivery

Save time with fast delivery.


We offer the most reliable, economical and fast service options for our customer


We protect you from all kinds of risks with insured shipping

Our Advantages

Fast delivery

Save time with fast delivery.


We offer the most reliable, economical and fast service options for our customer


We protect you from all kinds of risks with insured shipping


We aim for continuous improvement by constantly monitoring our quality processes.


Experience without development is useless. We are constantly evolving to move our team, our business, our customers into the future with new offerings and work disciplines, and our industry with firsts.

About Us:
It is the best choice to find new business partners at the international level, expand the geography of activity and enter new markets.
We offer reliable delivery services to all countries of Eastern Europe, Russia, Turkey, Germany and EU countries. We guarantee that your cargo transportation will be carried out quickly, reliably and in the required direction.

We manage car transports of any complexity from start to finish in the shortest possible time!

International car transport is very popular due to a number of advantages compared to other types of delivery. The most important advantages are:
 Delivery speed. In this aspect, freight transport is second only to airplanes, but air delivery is many times more expensive;
Versatility: Modern trucks can carry almost any category of cargo.

High mobility: Road transport has great freedom of maneuver, if any unexpected situation occurs on the route, the truck can easily re-plan the trip.

 Wide delivery geography: Roads cover a wider area than rail transport, not to mention planes and ships.

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Load Announcement

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Car Announcement

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Our Services

International freight transport refers to the process of delivering products or goods from one country to another. This process….
Logistics - production for the purpose of adapting the movement and storage of goods, services and relevant information to customer requirements...
One of the main directions of our company's activity is customs escort and related...
Air transportation is an important component of the logistics industry in Azerbaijan. In the country serving as a major freight hub…

Our Car Parktransport Wehicles...

The vehicles of our fleet can be used to deliver any type of product to any place while maintaining its quality. The cars of our company are extremely reliable both in terms of cleanliness and technical aspects. Our vehicles are equipped to fully meet the requirements of importers and exporters.

International Road Transport To Our Employees ...

When entrusting international road transport to our employees, the client can be sure of timely delivery and safety of the goods. At the same time, we do not disturb the customers, we solve almost all the issues on our own. The logistics plan should calculate not only the time of transportation, but also the costs of their implementation. In order to prepare and ensure a high-quality project implementation plan, the logistics specialist considers many factors - cargo characteristics, transportation distance, required transportation conditions, etc. should take into account.

Contact With Us


We protect you from all kinds of risks with insured shipping


We aim for continuous improvement by constantly monitoring our quality processes.


We offer the most reliable, economical and fast service options for our customer


Experience without development is useless. We are constantly evolving to move our team, our business, our customers into the future with new offerings and work disciplines, and our industry with firsts.

Contact With Us

Phone Number

The support service operates 24/7. Contact us.


Send your questions and suggestions to this address. Answers will be given shortly.


Come to our headquarters and familiarize yourself with our services.

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Please ensure that we can get back to you as soon as possible by filling out the contact form with the correct information.

Do You Have A Question?

If you want to receive services from a logistics company that is an expert in its field,

You can contact us as "SN Holding" LLC logistics!

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